
My Traveling Eye by Jenny Kostecki-Shaw

My traveling eye was a cute story about a little girl with a serious case of lazy eye. The way the story is told, the main character refers to her eye as it's own entity and that allow her to view the world in a different and unique sort of way. When she has to wear an eye patch, she styles it up and becomes the envy or her class with her creative eye patch designs. In the end her eye gets some motivation and strength and there is a good outlook. It's one of those books that is cute to read, but it still has the purpose of creating a good book targeted about and especially for children with eye problems. My little sister wore an eye patch in her younger years and we teased her about looking like a pirate (which we tried to transform into a "cool" thing...unsuccessfully...). A book like this could have given her an opportunity to know that other children have prescribed eye problems and here were some ideas how to make wearing an eye patch 'cool'.

The illustrations throughout the book were of that bright bold color mishmosh collage type. Lots to look at but very well done.

Henry Holt and Company, 2008.

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