
Sea Horse, the shyest fish in the sea by Chris Butterworth

Seahorses, seahorses, seahorses! Absolutely adorable and BEAUTIFULLY illustrated sea horses. On the front and back insides of the cover, different species of seahorses are named and displayed. Before I read this book I knew little to nothing about seahorses (aside from things that one generally assumes from popular culture I suppose). Not only did this book dispel some of my previously-thought incorrect beliefs, but it gave me a firm knowledge base on the life of seahorses.
It was so nice to look at and so simply written, I didn't even realize I was learning. So if the tricks work on me (an adult) surely a child will soak up information from this book.

I never knew that seahorses paired up for life and when I learned that in the book it was one of those Awwwww moments. Seriously. The picture on page 15 of the development of baby seahorses was too cool. I felt a little bit bad though because poor dad was abandoned by the babies as soon as they hatched and escaped from his pouch.

I definitely learned something from this book and looking at the illustrations only made it more enjoyable.

I love seahorses!!!!!

Illustrated by John Lawrence.
Candlewick Press, 2006.

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